HUEA与哈佛大学经济学评论保持着合作关系;HUEA很高兴可以每年举办两次商业企划大赛(Essay Competition);该项赛事面向所有高中学生,是一个展示写作技巧,完成一份高质量的商业企划的绝佳机会。
In recent years and decades, many countries have seen fertility rates drop, potentially leading to falling populations. Currently, China has a fertility rate of 1.3, one of the lowest in the world. However, in 2021, China experienced GDP growth of 8% with output totaling $17.7 trillion. Will this lowered fertility rate (with potential to fall further) affect China’s economic growth and policy? How so? What, if anything, can the Chinese government do to limit the risk of falling fertility rates?
U.S. mortgage rates recently passed 7%, making the purchase of a new home increasingly unaffordable. Meanwhile, the United States has suffered from a chronic shortage of available housing for decades, particularly in urban areas, leading to what many scholars and advocates call an affordability crisis. Why is housing so unaffordable in the U.S.? What can (or should) be done by private actors, state and local governments, and the federal government to alleviate the affordability crisis?
It is often suggested that a tradeoff exists between economic growth and the health of the environment, especially now as the threat of climate change becomes more dire. What economic risks does a changing climate pose? Can economic growth be consistent with a healthy environment? What policies, either market-based or otherwise, should governments enact to protect the environment while posing the least danger to economic efficiency?
The current national debt of the United States stands at roughly $29 trillion, a value greater than the GDP. Some argue that this mountain of debt constitutes an economic threat. Others reassure the public that debt is no cause for concern. Is the national debt a matter for concern, and why or why not?
As governments around the world struggled to control the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, international trade took a massive blow as it experienced unprecedented production chain disruptions. How did such disruptions affect varying economic agents – from individuals to entire nations? What can be done to temper current shocks and prevent future ones?
The Sherman Act of 1890 outlaws "every contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade," and any "monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize." Over a century after it was adopted, the Sherman Act still actively informs United States antitrust policy. However, many lawmakers are now considering redefining these policies. Is antitrust regulation outdated and in need of modernization? What new policies, if any, should legislators propose? How will these changes affect markets?
The rise of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), in addition to existing forms of decentralized cryptocurrencies, could eventually shape the way global finance is conducted through technology. This spells significant economic and political repercussions, especially as non-US countries such as China implement CBDCs to varying extents. In light of these developments, how should the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, or other institutions and governments proceed with the development of CBDCs in their respective economies?